Tips On Getting Ready For Residential Real Estate Appraisal
Getting ready for a real estate appraisal is not a complex process. When the loan is approved, an appraiser is sent to the property by either the lending organization or in the case of loans for veterans, by the VA itself. The loan financier should produce both the sale agreement and an assignment order. The appraiser is responsible for reviewing the sale contract whenever they are assigned to the property. There is no sale contract for refinancing situations and other types of request.
To avoid unnecessary delays, the house should be accessible at all times. Majority of appraisers belong to the local board of realtors and usually own a lockbox key. If tenants occupy the house, the appraisal process works best if the listing agent is used to plan the appointments. The tenant can feel comfortable because they are conversant with the listing agent and they are not a stranger.
It will benefit the owner of the home if they keep the house clean and in order. Appraisers are viewing the property from the perspective of the potential buyer, so it is good to create a good first impression. The appraiser visits the home they have been assigned to when it is chaotic since the homeowner is in the process of moving out. That is not an issue of concern to the appraiser. The appraiser does not mind the current condition of the house; instead, they want to inspect every corner of the house the garage included.
The appraiser will want to take a sneak pick inside the garage and take measurements, inspect the water heater and the AC closets, so makes sure those areas of the house do not have clutter, and they can enter and come out as they please. People coming to appraise a property are displeased by thorny or impassible bushes next to the property. This is because at some point they will need to use a measuring tape outside each wall.
Dogs that bite are at times an issue, homeowners do not realize that their gentle pets can bite a person they are not familiar with. Dogs should not be left to wonder in the property when the owner knows the appraisal guys are coming that day. The homeowner should not put the dog inside a garage and not put them in a cage since the appraiser will want to enter the garage as well.
It is good for the owner of the property to leave when an appraisal is being done. Appraisers prefer them to be present because of dogs. If no one is home, the burglar alerts should be off if the appraiser is visiting.
The Art of Mastering Appraisers
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